

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Intro to Star Wars

     My 5 yo twins watched Star Wars (Episodes IV and VI) a few days ago. 

     My son was in awe and he wanted to watch Return of the Jedi over and over again.  He loves R2D2 and C3PO,

is amused by the Ewoks ("Why are they so small?")

and mesmerized by Darth Vader ("He's Luke Skywalker's Pappy, right Momma?").  Who wouldn't be (mesmerized)?  Vader's such a complex and conflicted character.  AND he likes the Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - is he going to the dark side??!!

     How do you explain to a pair of 5 yo why Luke burnt Vader at the end?  The music's beautiful, by the way.

     Watching the movies again made me curious how the main actors look like now.  Harrison Ford (aka Han Solo) has been very visible ever since, but what about Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker)?  Searched the net for photos and came up with these:


     They still look ok, yes? :)

     Anyway, I think I will wait until they're a bit older before I let them watch Empire Strikes Back.  And I am still thinking if I should let them watch the prequels - should I expose them to Jar Jar Binks??  What do you think?


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