

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nail Polish for Kids

     Sofie, my daughter, is a girly-girl.  Believe me, she doesn't take that from me.  I was a tomboy when I was a kid.  

     Anyway, she loves nail polish.  And she likes a different color for every nail (fingers and toes).

     We first tried Piggy Paint.  Their nail polish are non-toxic, odorless, hypoallergenic and water based, which makes it suitable for kids.  

     I discovered them on a (local) online store Pupsik Studio.  I'm not sure if they still carry the brand.  Anyway, here's how it looks like on Sofie's hand :)


     Then, I saw these tiny Little BU nail polish at Mothercare, and it was on sale!  They're also non-toxic, odorless, and with a water based wash-off formula.  Its quite glossy too, and that attracted Sofie the most.

     She loved the colors so much but since its a wash-off formula, the colors disappeared within a day, and that made her a little sad :(.  But, kids are kids, give them a new toy or book, and they'll forget whatever it is that upset them :)

     Don't you just want to nibble those chubby fingers?? :)


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