

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Palmier (Pastry)

     I first heard of Palmier from a blog by Chuvaness.  She was actually gushing over Leaf Pie from Japan and she mentioned that its quite similar to Palmier.    I thought nothing of it until I came upon a Palmier at Paul Boulangerie Patisserie in Takashimaya.  Tried it (price was pretty steep, S$3.60/pc), and I liked it a lot.  The price was the deterrent though.  I figured this will just have to be a rare treat for me.

     Then, last week, we were shopping at M&S Wheelock place and much to my delight, they also had Palmier at their bakery, in a more affordable price of S$1.50/pc.  Bought 2 pcs to try and the wonder twins pretty much gobbled them up and declared that it was their favorite.

     I decided to compare.  I was in Lucky Plaza today and decided, at the last minute, to buy Palmier from both M&S and Paul.  It was a brisk walk from Lucky Plaza, to Wheelock Place, to Takashimaya, then back to LP.  Needless to say, I was out of breath and sweating by the time I got into my car, which was parked in LP.  All in the name of blogging... yeah, right! :)  

     Here's how M&S Palmier looks like - 

     Paul Boulangerie's - 

     Side by Side -

My colleague and I tried each one, and here's our assessment:
Paul - crunchy, buttery taste.  Not too sweet
M&S -chewy and sweet

     They both taste good, but I'm thinking S$3.60 price tag is a bit too much on a momma budget.  Sorry Paul.  And since the twins enjoyed M&S version a lot, I'm happy :)

     Next thing to try, Leaf Pie.  Horizons are expanding, thanks to Chuvaness! :)


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