

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Katy Perry: Part of Me (The Movie)

     I recently watched Katy Perry: Part of Me (The Movie) with the wonder twins (my 5 yo kids). 

     They're fans, especially my daughter and I must say, her songs grow on you.  When my daughter was still in nursery school (~3 yo), her teacher heard her humming Teenage Dream while doing her artwork :).

     Anyway, I didn't expect much from this movie.  I thought that it was going to be just self-promotion for her world tour.

     Ha!  I saw myself weeping at the end and actually hoping that she will eventually find THE ONE who will be there for her, who will support her, her dreams and ambitions. :)  But I'm getting ahead of myself.

     The movie shows clips of Katy when she was still young, and talks about her Christian upbringing (along with her sister Angela and brother David).

      She started singing in church and had a gospel record by the age of 15!

     The movie shows how close she is with her family, especially her grandmother.  I remember reading an article about Katy bringing along her grandma in one of those music awards. :)

     Other record companies wanted to mold her into the next so and so, but she refused to budge (good for her!), eventually finding a record label that believed in her talent, liked her for who she really is, and helped her become who she wants to be.

     Despite her parents' trepidation, her first single was "I Kissed a Girl (And I liked it)".  They supported her choice and it turned out to be the song that launched her career.

     Along the way, she met her stylist Johnny Wujek

and make-up artist Todd Delano

and they're still with her all these years.  You can tell that she has their love, loyalty and respect.

     Her best friends are a constant in her life

     and so is her sister, Angela

     In between clips, you will see videos from fans declaring their love for her, how her music and lyrics resonate, and how she inspires them to believe in themselves.  Wow.

     During her gruelling tour, she still makes time to be with her then-husband, Russell Brand.  She jets off to meet him somewhere, no matter how exhausted she was.  Truly admirably.  Sadly, it wasn't enough.  Towards the end of the movie, you see her weeping before her Brazil concert, and you realize that the marriage she worked really hard for, ended.  She's given a choice of cancelling the concert, or still go on.  She decides to go on.  Heart breaking.  You hear her sobbing.  You see her struggling to hold back the tears before she is raised up on a platform to the stage.  With a deep breath, she looks straight ahead and affixes a smile to her face... Brave.  Loyal to her fans.  Strong.

     Though she still hurts, she knows that she has a good life, a beautiful life to be thankful for.  She realizes the pain is part of her journey and she still has so much to live for.

     This movie is very inspirational - a beautiful and hopeful message to the youth, that you never settle, that you have to be true to yourself, and to follow your dreams.

     I am enamored.  :)


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